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F&E Patent

Validation of European Patents in Marocco

Granted European Patents having a filing date of March 1, 2015 or later may be validated in Marocco

On March 1, 2015 the agreement between the EPO and the Maroccan Office for Indstrial and Commercial Property (OMPIC) about validation of EP patents in Marocco comes into force.

This agreement enabels validation of the rights conferred by a European Patent in Marocco. For that purpose, it will be necessary to pay a validation fee of 240.- € for Monacco (together with designation fees) to the EPO. After grant a copy of the granted claims in french or arabian language has to be sent to the OMPIC and a national fee has to be paid.

The opportunity to validate in Marocco only applies to European patents filed on or after March 1, 2015.

(Dr. Barbara Engels)