Dr. Tatjana Repenko

German Patent Attorney


Master of Science and PhD in Chemistry


  • 化学


  • 特許申請手続、意義申立
  • 商標
  • career

    Dr. Tatjana Repenko completed her chemistry studies at RWTH Aachen University where she specialized in organic chemistry and technical chemistry. After her studies she was employed as a research assistant at the DWI – Leibniz Institute for Interactive Materials and worked on her doctoral thesis at RWTH Aachen University in the field of polymer chemistry on the topic of “Synthesis of conjugated material systems for biological and medical imaging applications”.

    Dr. Tatjana Repenko joined Fleischer, Engels & Partner mbB, Patentanwälte in June 2017 as a trainee for German and European Patent Attorney. She successfully passed the German Exam in December 2020. Since 2022 she is furthermore a licenced European Patent Attorney.


電話、 Fax 、電子メールから郵便まで、皆様のご連絡をあらゆる手段でお待ちしております。

f & e patent
Braunsberger Feld 29
51429 Bergisch Gladbach