About us

Patent attorneys at f & e patent®: Experienced, client-focused and exceptionally well qualified

Protecting intellectual property — defending and enforcing rights

Wir verteidigen auch die Rechte unserer Mandanten in Einspruchsverfahren, Löschungsverfahren, Nichtigkeitsverfahren und im Falle von Schutzrechtsverletzungen.

Unsere Patentanwälte erstellen Gutachten, insbesondere zu Fragen der Patentverletzung, und beraten im Lizenzvertragsrecht. Auch im Arbeitnehmererfinderrecht verfügt f & e patent® über eine besondere Expertise.

Close to the client — focused on quality and efficiency

At f & e patent® every client is personally advised by a partner. Our highly qualified patent attorneys and specialists also collaborate closely with one another as a team on behalf of clients whose activities involve multiple specialty areas. At the international level, we leverage our well-established network of foreign-based colleagues specifically selected on the basis of quality criteria. As a result, our clients have access to the full range of services from a single source.

A special service and quality factor: in each specialty area, prior art and infringement searches are carried out by patent attorneys.


How to contact f & e patent®

We look forward to hearing from you — by whatever means you prefer: phone, fax, e-mail or postal delivery.

f & e patent
Braunsberger Feld 29
51429 Bergisch Gladbach