Trademark rights

How to secure your competitive advantage

Trademarks and corporate identifiers are essential to a company’s brand recognition and represent both intangible and tangible value. A well-known trademark is an immense asset for its owner and an important factor in its market position. In particular, trademarks serve to signal the origin of a company’s goods and services and to distinguish them from those of its competitors.

A great deal of effort and money is often invested in building brand recognition. To protect this investment, you should protect your rights to names, logos, slogans, and product shapes from misuse by third parties.

Our services:

Registration of German and EU Trademarks

International registrations of trademarks under the Madrid System (Madrid Agreement (MA) and Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement (PMMA))

Oppositions against German and EU trademarks and obtaining protection for international registrations

Representation abroad through our network of experienced associates

Product Design Brand Patent Trademark Copyright Graphic

Procedure of a trademark application

We can conduct extensive market research to determine whether your desired mark is registrable and does not conflict with existing trademarks.
We then file your trademark application, including the required description of the goods and services, with the appropriate national or international trademark offices.
Your trademark application is examined by the appropriate trademark office to determine whether it meets the legal requirements and whether there are any grounds for refusal.
We will assist you throughout the registration process with the relevant national or international office and defend your trademark registration in any opposition proceedings.